CAM - Bridge

CAM – Bridge

By charting the punts on River Cam through the backs of Cambridge, my portfolio provides a metaphor for the joy and toil of university years. As the river enters the city one sees the reflection of a fresher jumping of Fen Footbridge. Immersing oneself in this fashion into a new beginning does not require the calculations of Queens mathematical bridge, just youthful exuberance. The currents in Cam do connect the youth of Queens and Kings, and bridges of friendship come to blossom. On these bridges lie the temptations of desire but time and tide wait for none. The bridges soon lead to corridors of wisdom that run through Queens, Kings, Clare, Trinity and St Johns. However learning to wisdom is a long punt and needs age to temper youth. The Cambridge cyclist aptly captures the toil and sweat involved in the acquisition of knowledge in the name ‘orgasm bridge’. The effort to the steep top is followed by the pleasure of the descent; the fruits of labour do not come without hard work. Every year there are new punters but the punts in the deck of dreams rarely do change. As our punt arrives at the Bridge of Sighs we hope that our fresher would have found the queen of his heart and youth would settle into a long happy partnership. The old bridges of friendship, learning and love are the bridges across Cam. Through the eye of Cam-Bridge no bridge is a bridge too far.

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