1. Itinerary | 2. Chichen Itza | 3. Merida & Ruta Puuc | 4. Uxmal | 5. Ek Balam | 6. Tulum & Coba | 7. Playa Del Carmen | 8. Cancun
25th Dec 2011 – Playa del Carmen: relaxing on the beach

It was christmas day, the day I had put in to chill out and not do anything at all. We went down to the beach and just soaked in the fesh sea breeze. Mahi and Mayank played on the sand for a while and then all three of us went into the water, Mon though would not budge from her recliner. Quite a nice experience though after what was quite a hectic holiday.

After relaxing on the beach for a few hours we had some lunch at a nice Mexican resturant. Mayank though was struggling to eat as over night he had developed a bit of a cold and a slight temperature. Did not stop him though from going into the water. We went back to the hotel, had an afternoon nap and then headed out to do some souvenier shopping.
In the evenig I went on my own to do some night time photography. Had tugged the tripod along with me so, it seemed ludicrous not to put it at use even once. Playa is a decent place to do some night phtography and the town does have quite a cool atmosphere.
It was christmas day so people were queing up outside the church. Spent some time there people watching and then headed back to the hotel to get Mon, Mahi and Mayank for a nice sea food meal at another Mexican resturant.
This was a very different christmas to the last 10 all of which have been spent at home in England, people talk of BBQ christmas in Australia, I guess this is how it must feel like.
1. Itinerary | 2. Chichen Itza | 3. Merida & Ruta Puuc | 4. Uxmal | 5. Ek Balam | 6. Tulum & Coba | 7. Playa Del Carmen | 8. Cancun